23 may 2020

The Lancet - Hidroxicloroquina o cloroquina con o sin macrólido para el tratamiento de COVID-19.

No pudimos confirmar un beneficio de hidroxicloroquina o cloroquina, cuando se usa solo o con un macrólido, en los resultados hospitalarios de COVID-19.

Cada uno de estos regímenes farmacológicos se asoció con una disminución de la supervivencia en el hospital y una mayor frecuencia de arritmias ventriculares cuando se usa para el tratamiento de COVID-19.

22 may 2020

John Mahon, actor, director y guionista, ha fallecido por causas naturales a los 82 años.

Cuando tenía 12 años, Mahon contrajo poliomielitis y pasó casi nueve meses totalmente paralizado. Nunca recuperó el uso completo de su brazo izquierdo.


Un estudio del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, certifica que las mascarillas que reparte la Comunidad de Madrid son de baja calidad y no filtran hasta el 40% de gotas pequeñas.


Se disparan los ancianos muertos solos en la pandemia: los bomberos hallan 62 cadáveres en dos meses en Madrid. 

19 may 2020


Médicos y enfermeras del Hospital St. Pierre, Bruselas, le dieron la espalda a la primera ministra belga, Sophie Wilmes, para mostrar su disconformidad con la gestión de la crisis sanitaria a consecuencia del COVID-19.


Membres du personnel soignant de l’hôpital Saint-Pierre, Bruxelles, Ils ont profité de la venue de Sophie Wilmès pour affirmer leur mécontentement sur la gestion de la crise du coronavirus par le gouvernement.

1 may 2020

Lola Corrales - Post-Polio Syndrome and Polio

Lola Corrales was born in Madrid, Spain in August 1958. Lola suffered of polio at the age of 13 months, during an epidemic.

She was not vaccinated, because Franco's dictatorship (1939-1975) only used Salk anti polio vaccine for rich and friends of the Government, but not for the rest of the population. Besides, Franco's dictatorship was the opinion “Salk vaccine is not good, because cause polio”.

In autumn 1998, Lola Corrales knew through internet about the post-polio syndrome, since the Spanish Administration (the Ministry of Health, among others), although already knew the existence of the Post-Polio Syndrome, kept silence about it. Afterwards she worked one and a half year with a polio survivors group.

Asociación Afectados de Polio y Síndrome Post-Polio was established by Lola Corrales and eight other polio survivors in February 2000. Since then, the Association has achieved national dimension and has changed the lives of many people with polio.

We have addressed several proposals to the Spanish Parliament, as well as several written questions to the Council and Commission of the EU. Furthermore interviews in television, radio and newspapers, all related to the polio and post-polio syndrome.

In December 2003, we have also filed a criminal complaint before the Criminal Court in Madrid, regarding felony for intentional injury that brings about the polio and post-polio syndrome, which was admitted by the Trial Court, having appreciated indications of crime. After a lengthy process, in April 2008, the Provincial Court of Madrid decided the provisional dismissal and file of the case, but mentioning the important historical information contained in the complaint.

Several members of the Association, have individually filed complaints before the National Court, Supreme Court, Constitutional Court and European Court of Human Rights.

Since 2000, Lola Corrales is President of the Asociación Afectados de Polio y Síndrome Post-Polio.

Ministerio de Sanidad - Franjas horarias en las salidas para pasear y hacer deporte.